Assalammualaikum & Hi :)
Terdetik hati ni nak buat entri ni setelah terbaca post di sini .
Benda ni pernah jadi kat cikpuan juga walaupun dah lama berlaku tapi masih segar di ingatan kejadian tu. Berlaku sekitar hujung September 2013. Masa tu cikpuan dalam perjalanan ke Batu Pahat, Johor. Bersama cikpuan ketika itu, abah, mak dan 3 org adik perempuan cikpuan. Kiranya cuma abah seorang je la Hero time tu.
Nak dijadikan cerita, dalam perjalanan tu, tiba-tiba tayar kereta pancit. Masa tu betul-betul lepas keluar dari susur keluar Nilai. Berhentilah tepi jalan. Tengah sibuk-sibuk nak tukar tayar ni, tiba-tiba ada seorang lelaki India berlari melintasi lebuhraya daripada seberang sana.
Tanpa segan silu, tanpa bertanya apa-apa terus dia menawarkan diri pada abah untuk menukar tayar. Kami pun biarkan lah dia tukar sebab Alhamdulillah suddenly ada orang nak tolong kan. Okay. Tolonglah sangatkan sebab habis je dia siap tu dia boleh mintak RM150.00.. Eh, agak-agaklah.. tukar tayar spare je kot. Abah dengan cikpuan pun boleh buat. Bukan ganti tayar baru pun. Abah memang nak bagi RM50 tapi bila dia minta macam tu, terus abah rasa taknak bagi langsung.
Actually kiteorang dah takut jugak sebab dia pegang sepana. Abah bagi je dia RM50 and suruh kami masuk kereta cepat-cepat. Abah kata kalau taknak, abah ambil balik RM50 tu. Tapi dia tarik balik duit tu dari tangan abah. Cepat-cepat abah masuk kereta and suruh cikpuan drive terus. Memang scary. Takut je dia libas sepana tu kat abah ke apa. Nasib ada abah, kalau tak taktaula kalau semua perempuan je.
So, kalau ada orang nak tolong pun kena beware. Takut dia cuma nak mengepow duit orang je. Sebelum ni pernah juga tayar cikpuan pancit di Jalan Kebun, Shah Alam. Dahla hujan, dah lambat nak pergi kerja. Berusaha cikpuan nak buka tayar tu - dalam hujan oke!. Orang yang lalu lalang semua cuma pandang je padahal area situ area kilang kot. Ramai orang lalu lalang.
Entah macammana, dalam 1/2jam cikpuan berusaha tu, ada seorang uncle berhenti. Dia dengan 2 org pekerja dia tolong tukarkan tayar. Masa tu dalam tangan cikpuan ada RM30 je. Cikpuan bagi uncle tu tapi uncle tu tolak. Dia kata dia tolong ikhlas. Masa tu Allah je yang tau betapa bersyukurnya cikpuan jumpa orang sebaik tu.
Tapi bila dah jumpa seorang lagi yang berbeza, cikpuan rasa takut pula nak menerima tawaran baik orang untuk next time. Nasihat cikpuan, berhati-hatila jika ada kejadian tak diingini seperti kejadian pertama di atas ye. Kepada encik pow tu, tolonglah rentikanla perangai pow-pow orang tu. Kalau nak tolong, tolonglah dengan ikhlas. Kalau orang tu mampu nak berikan upah, Alhamdulillah.. kalau tak, takpayahlah nak meminta-minta.. buruk tau.
Ok. Terima kasih kerana membaca!
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Majlis Kesyukuran Hana Delisha
baru je
2:25 PM
Alhamdulillah. Hana Delisha hari ni nak masuk 4 bulan. Kurang 3 hari. Kali ni nak story tentang Majlis Kesyukuran #BabyHD ni yang kami buat 8 Disember 2013.Hehe.. sebulan dah berlalu, baru nak bercerita.. apelah mama Delisha ni.
Majlis ni buat simple2 je ikut bajet yang kami ada. Yela, cikpuan baru nak start kerja and husband pula kena tanggung semua belanja. Kesian dia. Kereta cikpuan, kereta dia, van, sewa rumah, barang dapur, utilities... Alhamdulillah, dengan meniaga pasar malam cukup menampung hidup kami sekeluarga secara ala kadarnya. Memang selama cikpuan tak bekerja kami tak beli baju baru pun (kecuali raya) dan mengurangkan aktiviti makan luar walupun tak dapat mengurangkan aktiviti berjalan (wajib).
Melalut sudah. Kembali ke cerita Majlis Hana Delisha. Cikpuan dan suami buat di kampung cikpuan, rumah abah. Jadi senang sikit sebab nanti ramai orang kampung datang. Buat Marhaban je pun. Lepas tu ada makan-makan sikit untuk orang yang datang.
Sebenarnya tarikh untuk majlis ni lah yang memeningkan kepala. Mula-mula nak buat hujung November tapi keluarga belah suami ada majlis kahwin, tukarlah ke Disember. Itu pun nyaris-nyaris crash dengan tarikh tunang adik ipar. Teringat tarikh nak kahwin pun dulu macam ni. Tukar-tukar je. Adik beradik suami suruh sekalikan majlis kesyukuran dengan tunang adik ipar tapi cikpuan kesian dengan mak cikpuan sebab mak cikpuan yang beriya-iya nak buat. Yela, lagipun masa dalam pantang mak cikpuan yang jaga kan. Punyalah sayang dengan cucu ke-3 ni. Last-last cakap dengan suami, kita buat juga 8hb Disember. Kalau adik beradik suami tak sempat datang, takpela.. tak payah datang... (bunyi macam merajuk kan?) Tapi cikpuan bukan merajuk pun. Itu je tarikh yang mak cikpuan available, jadi kami ni menjemput sajalah. Kalau sempat datanglah.. kalau tak, kami tak paksa.. (masih ada nada merajuk..huhu..)
Nak cerita panjang-panjang nanti bosan pulak. Tengok je la gambar-gambar yang ada ni ye!
Majlis ni buat simple2 je ikut bajet yang kami ada. Yela, cikpuan baru nak start kerja and husband pula kena tanggung semua belanja. Kesian dia. Kereta cikpuan, kereta dia, van, sewa rumah, barang dapur, utilities... Alhamdulillah, dengan meniaga pasar malam cukup menampung hidup kami sekeluarga secara ala kadarnya. Memang selama cikpuan tak bekerja kami tak beli baju baru pun (kecuali raya) dan mengurangkan aktiviti makan luar walupun tak dapat mengurangkan aktiviti berjalan (wajib).
Melalut sudah. Kembali ke cerita Majlis Hana Delisha. Cikpuan dan suami buat di kampung cikpuan, rumah abah. Jadi senang sikit sebab nanti ramai orang kampung datang. Buat Marhaban je pun. Lepas tu ada makan-makan sikit untuk orang yang datang.
Sebenarnya tarikh untuk majlis ni lah yang memeningkan kepala. Mula-mula nak buat hujung November tapi keluarga belah suami ada majlis kahwin, tukarlah ke Disember. Itu pun nyaris-nyaris crash dengan tarikh tunang adik ipar. Teringat tarikh nak kahwin pun dulu macam ni. Tukar-tukar je. Adik beradik suami suruh sekalikan majlis kesyukuran dengan tunang adik ipar tapi cikpuan kesian dengan mak cikpuan sebab mak cikpuan yang beriya-iya nak buat. Yela, lagipun masa dalam pantang mak cikpuan yang jaga kan. Punyalah sayang dengan cucu ke-3 ni. Last-last cakap dengan suami, kita buat juga 8hb Disember. Kalau adik beradik suami tak sempat datang, takpela.. tak payah datang... (bunyi macam merajuk kan?) Tapi cikpuan bukan merajuk pun. Itu je tarikh yang mak cikpuan available, jadi kami ni menjemput sajalah. Kalau sempat datanglah.. kalau tak, kami tak paksa.. (masih ada nada merajuk..huhu..)
Nak cerita panjang-panjang nanti bosan pulak. Tengok je la gambar-gambar yang ada ni ye!
cikpuan, Hana Delisha dan suami
Delisha start buat muka
puaslah makcik-makcik ni menggunting rambut Delisha yang lebat
Yang ni dah mencebik tak rela rambut kena gunting..tapi tak menangis..
Rambut masih lebat tapi muka dah comot kena tempek dengan bedak sejuk..
Alhamdulillah. Selesai semuanya. Next nak buat aqiqah untuk Delisha pulak. Hehe..
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Baby Story : 2 Months Baby - 5 days did not Poo Poo (or berak or buang air besar.. err.. depend to your vocab)
baru je
2:26 PM
What did you do when you realize that your 2 months++ baby did not poo poo 5 days in a row? a
Seriously i am very worried. I am a new mother, never had this experience before and this situation came to test a motherhood in me!! Oh my!! What should i do?
I ask my mother and my mother also lack in this experience also.. (eventhough she had 8 childrens..can you imagine how healthy are we? haha..)
Actually when Delisha already not poo poo in 3 days, i'm already getting worried. I look, google and search in internet anything refer to this matter and there were not much that could help me. Eventhough in 3 days not poo poo, she still active like usually, her stomach not harden and did not cry or felt uncomfortable. She just less in bf (still considered enough but not frequent as usual). So, there is not much to worried actually as if she is fully bf.. but she is not. I am already mixed with fm due to not enough production.. (she is really drink a lot). We give her Dulac (due to i am a Dumex child.. so i gave her the same). I read that it might happen because of the fm itself. Many babies that did not suitable for some product fm and their parent have to try and error any fm for their babies.
And from my read, the product that usually they are suggesting is beyond our budget.. huwaa.. i am just working and the fm price which is good according to them is RM4+ per tin (around 500gm if not mistaken). Okay. Fine, for Delisha we will do anything for her. But, what if after i try the expensive fm, she still have the some problem? What should we do? There will be wasting isnt it? My mum asked me to do some research within my family and husband family. What type of fm that my niece and nephew drink? It could help me to choose the type of fm that suitable for Delisha little tummy.
So after asking, i get info that little Syaza (my brother's daughter) also drink Dulac at first but then changing to Dutchbaby because not suitable for her. Then, my husband's niece, Dania also drink dutchbaby. Hurmm.. should i change??
The 4th days, she still not poo poo yet and i am already working that time and she just met the doctor last week for her 2 months injection. My husband thought that she might be not poo poo because of the injection which is the problem arise incidentally after she get the injection. So, after talk with my mum and mother-in-law, we agree to see the doctor again.
But since i just start working, i couldnt apply for leave, so i have to let go Delisha seeking the doctor with my mum and my husband. Oh, it was so sad. I felt like what a mother on earth that i am..(really a dramaqueen.. huhu). So, they met the doctor on the 5th days. According to my husband and mum, she just fine. Her stomach is fine and its nothing to do with her fm. The doctor teach my mum and husband how to massage her stomach and said that this could happen because of the mother.. It means ME.
Because of me huhh?? Ok. Then i was realise that i also have the same problem as her. I try to drink a lot of water and green veggies - and you know what happen next. The next day, she poo poo so much.. haha.. i think she absorb more her bm then her fm. And as usually, i have the same effect as her.. So, problem solve!!
Seriously i am very worried. I am a new mother, never had this experience before and this situation came to test a motherhood in me!! Oh my!! What should i do?
I ask my mother and my mother also lack in this experience also.. (eventhough she had 8 childrens..can you imagine how healthy are we? haha..)
Actually when Delisha already not poo poo in 3 days, i'm already getting worried. I look, google and search in internet anything refer to this matter and there were not much that could help me. Eventhough in 3 days not poo poo, she still active like usually, her stomach not harden and did not cry or felt uncomfortable. She just less in bf (still considered enough but not frequent as usual). So, there is not much to worried actually as if she is fully bf.. but she is not. I am already mixed with fm due to not enough production.. (she is really drink a lot). We give her Dulac (due to i am a Dumex child.. so i gave her the same). I read that it might happen because of the fm itself. Many babies that did not suitable for some product fm and their parent have to try and error any fm for their babies.
And from my read, the product that usually they are suggesting is beyond our budget.. huwaa.. i am just working and the fm price which is good according to them is RM4+ per tin (around 500gm if not mistaken). Okay. Fine, for Delisha we will do anything for her. But, what if after i try the expensive fm, she still have the some problem? What should we do? There will be wasting isnt it? My mum asked me to do some research within my family and husband family. What type of fm that my niece and nephew drink? It could help me to choose the type of fm that suitable for Delisha little tummy.
So after asking, i get info that little Syaza (my brother's daughter) also drink Dulac at first but then changing to Dutchbaby because not suitable for her. Then, my husband's niece, Dania also drink dutchbaby. Hurmm.. should i change??
The 4th days, she still not poo poo yet and i am already working that time and she just met the doctor last week for her 2 months injection. My husband thought that she might be not poo poo because of the injection which is the problem arise incidentally after she get the injection. So, after talk with my mum and mother-in-law, we agree to see the doctor again.
But since i just start working, i couldnt apply for leave, so i have to let go Delisha seeking the doctor with my mum and my husband. Oh, it was so sad. I felt like what a mother on earth that i am..(really a dramaqueen.. huhu). So, they met the doctor on the 5th days. According to my husband and mum, she just fine. Her stomach is fine and its nothing to do with her fm. The doctor teach my mum and husband how to massage her stomach and said that this could happen because of the mother.. It means ME.
Because of me huhh?? Ok. Then i was realise that i also have the same problem as her. I try to drink a lot of water and green veggies - and you know what happen next. The next day, she poo poo so much.. haha.. i think she absorb more her bm then her fm. And as usually, i have the same effect as her.. So, problem solve!!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Its never to late to say GOODBYE and THANKYOU 2013
baru je
4:10 PM
2013... the year that full with joys and sadness..ermm not sadness, maybe more into regretness.. but anyway 2013 is a year that make a new side of me..
1. I am Pregnant!!
Alhamdulillah.. after waiting almost 6 months, i am positively pregnant. You could read more details about my pregnancy in my previous entry. thehehe..
2. I am resigning and take a very long holiday..
This is quite regretting actually but i have to. Too much pressure and they promote me to a new job scope that i couldnt bring it at time of my pregnancy.. but anyhow i love my job there..
3. Opening a Ayam Gunting Stall
This is husband ambition, he would like to open another stall for development of his business. And with my last salary.. we take a sudden decision to buy a used stall (but still look like new) from internet - we met him and after have a some chit chat, we take the offer!! Oh my - he such a sweettalker but Alhamdulillah all the thing that came with the package is fine. Alhamdulillah husband manage to open it until now but he still looking for other place for this stall (usually he open it in night market).
4. I am a mother and she is such an angel!!
Alhamdulillah.. i am safely delivery a beautiful baby girl and we named her Hana Delisha.. The experience of prengnacy and deliver will be not forgot all of my life.. Thank you so much husband and my family especially my mom, my dad and siblings that help me a lot in thru this changing of nature...
5. I am working again.. back to construction business..
Actually if i could, i would like to stay home as a housewife and taking care my little angel. But due to this current economy not willing me to achieve that dream. Furthermore, i am being so sorry to my husband which is he had to pay my car loan along this 6months that i am not working. Poor him. Imagine he had to pay for his own car, his van and my car. And also others.. rent house, utilities, food and bla bla bla.. So, my husband tell me that after he finishing pay all his car and van loan (which is due in May 2014), he will let me choose either to be a housewife or still working. But i think i will try to be a working wife and mom as a supporter to my husband and myself. Oh yes, i got a job in a realty company in early December and i think this is a good oppurtunities as we are planning to buy a home for us in the nearest time. Currently my company project is working on high end house -semi D, so in the next 2 years will be start working on low-medium cost house that we hopely afford to buy. Hopefully company will be giving discount to their staff.. thehehe..
Anyway that is some of the big moment that happen on 2013. THANK YOU 2013 for everything.. and GOODBYE!!
1. I am Pregnant!!
Alhamdulillah.. after waiting almost 6 months, i am positively pregnant. You could read more details about my pregnancy in my previous entry. thehehe..
2. I am resigning and take a very long holiday..
This is quite regretting actually but i have to. Too much pressure and they promote me to a new job scope that i couldnt bring it at time of my pregnancy.. but anyhow i love my job there..
3. Opening a Ayam Gunting Stall
This is husband ambition, he would like to open another stall for development of his business. And with my last salary.. we take a sudden decision to buy a used stall (but still look like new) from internet - we met him and after have a some chit chat, we take the offer!! Oh my - he such a sweettalker but Alhamdulillah all the thing that came with the package is fine. Alhamdulillah husband manage to open it until now but he still looking for other place for this stall (usually he open it in night market).
4. I am a mother and she is such an angel!!
Alhamdulillah.. i am safely delivery a beautiful baby girl and we named her Hana Delisha.. The experience of prengnacy and deliver will be not forgot all of my life.. Thank you so much husband and my family especially my mom, my dad and siblings that help me a lot in thru this changing of nature...
5. I am working again.. back to construction business..
Actually if i could, i would like to stay home as a housewife and taking care my little angel. But due to this current economy not willing me to achieve that dream. Furthermore, i am being so sorry to my husband which is he had to pay my car loan along this 6months that i am not working. Poor him. Imagine he had to pay for his own car, his van and my car. And also others.. rent house, utilities, food and bla bla bla.. So, my husband tell me that after he finishing pay all his car and van loan (which is due in May 2014), he will let me choose either to be a housewife or still working. But i think i will try to be a working wife and mom as a supporter to my husband and myself. Oh yes, i got a job in a realty company in early December and i think this is a good oppurtunities as we are planning to buy a home for us in the nearest time. Currently my company project is working on high end house -semi D, so in the next 2 years will be start working on low-medium cost house that we hopely afford to buy. Hopefully company will be giving discount to their staff.. thehehe..
Anyway that is some of the big moment that happen on 2013. THANK YOU 2013 for everything.. and GOODBYE!!
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